Sunday, June 26, 2011

opposites attract

Remember that song back from like 1990 opposites attract  you know that video with the cool cartoon cat if not for fun click here to watch the video opposites attract by Paula Abdul and go down memory lane and go down memory lane and if its before your time cool now you know what im talking about.. I've realized as odd as it seems they are right. Take me and kevin we are alike in a lot of ways but in others we aren't. For example when it comes to spending money o like to hold on to what I can for a rainy day and when I buy something I will search online to get the cheapest price. Or if I'm out shopping ill go to 4 different stores before I actually buy the item. Where kevin has the attitude I'm not looking all over if its a reasonable price then ill buy it. Or I get paid next week so I'm not worried about anything or saving because I already took care of everything I needed to. Or he drinks I smoke weed. Take my parents my dad ultra conserve where my mom said she was conserve but was far from it. My Dad pretty level headed my mom not so much level headed. So I ask myself why is that. Its everywhere. I'd say its for the balances in life but is it because take a tornado you take to opposites and put them together. You have one big fucking mess. Then I look at me and kevin s relationship and it away it does balance out the outcome may be balanced but if you take two souls and put them together what those opposites do is balances out the soul as the 2 souls become one. When you realize that you have to somehow get your other half to realize that. So that way you two both become closer on being as one and start learning off each other and start doing what your other half does well then have your other half do what your good at. When that happens you two would really become one. If we can spread that to our kids and loved ones that's one way I think this world would be a better place and for that to set up for generations to come.

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