Saturday, June 4, 2011

A book that changed my life and hopefully years

 So this post is problem going to sound like an advertisement. Its not. I just got this book and the same day pretty much read the book and in my heart I want to share it with you. It changed my thoughts on a lot. If any of you bought it would do the same for you especially if your sick our hurt. Last week I ordered this book Marijuana Medical handbook the practical guide to the therapeutic uses of Marijuana by Dale Gieringer PHD, ED Rosenthal, Gregory T Carter MD. Now we all know I use it for my Migraines but there's soooo many uses for it that would blow your mind and as weed becomes illegal I want to cry even more. Let me share a few things on here that opened me up even more so. Take someone with HIV/AIds we know it helps them eat but did you know that if you take someone suffering from HIV/AIDS and the smoke weeds they will gain an average of 40 to 50 pounds and they are 3.3 times more likely to respond to their treatments. If you get bit by a black widow some of the shit you go through is pain muscle cramps and even locked jaw. Guess what cured it smoking weed. Its also a good substitute for people dealing with alcoholism and drug dependency. That's just to name a few of many the book also tells me or you how to use it for what. If your in a state like nevada for example where you can grow your meds then it tells you the proper way to grow it for the best effects and how to even cook with it. Now of course if you live somewhere where weed is illegal you may not be interested in how to cook with it or how to grow it perfect ally with the best effects as that's illegal and I'm talking to those where its only legal to do. But even if weed is illegal where you are I still reccomand this book because this also educates you on something new you won't be aware of. Weed even shrinks tumors. So I don't see how bad this drug really is. It has already helped me so I know how to manage my treatment in health but also give other people advise on it as well if they live in a place where weed is legal for them to use for medical reasons as I don't condone anything illegal.  I'm also going to post a link on this blog to the book for you to check out and if there's any questions hit me up and ill respond. After awhile as I get further reading this book I'm going to write a blog on my progress from what I've learned and I hope you read this for educating yourself on something different. Because different isn't always bad

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