Friday, June 17, 2011

what i would do if I was President

Everyone thinks about being president and what they would do even more so now with everything going on I often ask myself that especially since I see the world as a whole totally fucked up politically. Of course my ideas won't solve everything and I'm not addressing every issue there is but most I guess of course its not perfect and there's probley hole and loopholes in it but this is the basics on what I would do if I was president. So here it goes.

Taxes: Right now as we have less and less money everyday and we can't afford the basic things for the government to run is because lack of taxes of course taxes will be going up. This is how it would work currently big companies currently pay next to nothing for taxes here in the US sometimes usually getting refunds while they still cut jobs and have more profits than ever with most of their money in bank accounts overseas. So I would raise the taxes on big companies so they can contribute to everyday society. Our supreme court has ruled that big companies are people. So if big companies are people and the conservative party wants people to pay taxes then big companies can pay taxes of at least 40 percent to 60 percent since that's the average around the world and they use resources just like you and me so they need to pay for that as well. Also taxes will be going up on the rich. Currently the top 400 wealthiest people in America has more money than 150 Million Americans combined that's half the US population and more people than the whole states population of New York Texas Pennsylvania California Florida Illinois Ohio Michigan Massachusetts and montana combined or the combined population of united kingdom, Italy, Australia. New Zealand and Lithuania. to put in prospective. 400 people in this country have more money than the population of these states combined in this country How can 400 people in this country have more money than 150 Million people combined. Where else does that happen in the world. yet they pay no taxes for the most part compared to everyone else. If the wealthy paid more money in taxes like your millionaires and billionaires of the US they wouldn't even notice that money missing out of their bank accounts. So their tax rate would be between 30 and 60 percent depending on wealth with tax breaks only when they support government approved non profit such as donations to hospitals and schools with a tax break cap of 10 percent. As far as the middle class and lower class goes their taxes would actually go down to just one percent. To be fair everyone has to pay taxes in this country but it makes no sense to keep taxing the working class and get money from people that don't have it. That's like me asking a homeless person on the street for $100 they don't have it so how can they give me $100. If that homeless person had $100 I don't think he would be on the street begging for food

Spending Cuts: We have been spending way too much money as a country which is forcing us to increase taxes while we have to cut spending to create a surplus and get rid of our debt So first thing I would cut is military spending. We currently spend more money than china does in defense and their population is over 1 billion people. We have a fraction of that and we spend more. Don't get me wrong I love the military and our country but the wars have drained us we've been there long enough so its time to pull out$ we have Military bases in 130 different countries around the world so the troops that are at war will be sent and scattered throughout the world. I would also put a stop to the war on drugs we waste so much money on the war on drugs that we forgot about the people that's on the drugs. With that disabled program I would take that money and send it to rehab places for people I would also invest it in education and drug awareness since we all know correct education is the best defense on drugs would also dis mantel the FCC. All the FCC is doing is making big communication companies richer and expand without regard to the public and there safety in emergences. So why should the FCC also control what's appropriate for the first Amendment with freedom of speech So in which case this would also ban censorship on TV and radio for everyday americans to be informed and entertained properly. We currently have more people in prison than anywhere in the world why for profit. So I would cut prison spending because that money can be diverted to education to educate us so we don't do crimes and there's hope. Because education and opportunity prevents crime not prison

Health care: Right now we have a broken system in the health care department. Where the poor and disabled can't get their needs met with their current plans. Hospitals and health insurance companies are playing god everyday with peoples live for the almighty dollar while the hospitals and CEO's are making millions. Why should someone's health be about making a profit anyways. So therefore I would enact universal health care and make non profit hospitals illegal and they would have to become Non Profit to stay in business with government oversight to ensure everyone gets treated. Now I know some of you might not like the idea of universal health care which is cool I understand. So I will still allow for profit insurance companies to run and operate in fact ill let them do whatever they want to make everyone happy I will even allow for profit health clinics for basic medical services for these insurance companies but one health care mishap of any kind would shut all of them down no universal health care money would be given to these for profit clinics but at anytime the person going to a for profit clinic can use the non profit hospital centers with their for profit insurance or free health care on the universal health care plan.. and at the same time make universal health care optional. But there would be a tax increase of 5 percent to income taxes to cover universal health care if the working class is only paying 1 percent in income taxes then they can afford the 5 percent universal health care tax since 6 percent all together is less than they are currently paying now.. Even those who elected not to receive universal health care will still be subject to the tax because the second you can't afford your health insurance payment along with co payment the balance would have the universal health care plan pick up the rest since all health care providers are non profit they need payment regardless.. The universal health care plan would have no denials or co payments of any kind
And if there's a something health wise you need to get don't get or special meds you need just pick up the phone and go do what you got to do and pay nothing as your payment is already taken care of with that 5 percent universal health care tax. And yes the wealthy would also be taxed as well for the universal health care tax because health care is a human right no matter what income level you are. So even though the wealthy could afford private for profit insurance. And with me allowing to have the health insurance companies charge whatever they want and deny coverage to whoever they want since universal health care is in place even the wealthy will need medical care as they will be handing the for profit health insurance companies money for no coverage since they can deny coverage on anything they want now and do whatever their little heart desires. The pharmacy s would work the same as they do now get your meds where ever you want the only difference with universal health care is. There's no co payment So you just sign for your meds and that's it and there's no denial from the insurance companies on the life saving meds you need because the insurance company doesn't want to pay for that drug.

Education: Right now we only currently spend 2 to 3 percent of the budget on education. Just 2 to 3 percent. That's sad its no wonder why the world is growing around us as we get dumber in society. So I would impose that we spend 25 percent of our budget on education. Sounds crazy I know but then again if we were all educated we wouldn't be spending money on prisons and rehab programs now would we. I would also make all schools year round with an 8 hour school day. Yeah totally sucks I know but we need to ensure our kids future. Because in the real world they will be working year round and 8 or more hours a day so why not is school as well. School is a child's career so let's get the child use to a career in the real world. I know there's some issues with kids having to be at school at 7am and doing everything they need to do. So I would impose that some schools work mainly in high school hours of 12pm to 9pm. Yes I said 12pm to 9pm and I said an 8 hour school day and that's 9 hours. I just failed to mention that they get 8 hours of education a day and that 1 hour lunch break doesn't count as time like in the real world.

Healthy Food. Its every humans right to get healthy food and a privilege to get junk food. So I would impose a 30 percent tax on all junk food and drinks. Now some people may say your controlling what I'm eating. My answer is no I'm not you can eat all the junk food you want your just going to pay a 30 percent tax to do so. What would that tax go towards? well I would use that money to give to suppliers of healthy food to make their food affordable for all and have healthy school lunches and breakfast free for all family income levels. I would also ban the use of food stamps on junk food and drinks. Now that fresh and healthy food is affordable and as cheap as the junk food your use to buying there's no need for junk food and drinks. This tax would also allow us to make better choices for us and allow us to cut spending on our universal health care. because people are saying we are spending too much money on health care I figure. if your healthy with no illnesses or diseases then there's less hospital visits and treatments. That in turn would allow us to spend less money on health care. It is a social responsibly for us to not only take care of us but help take care of the world around us as well. So to ensure us that we can take care of our people I will make healthy unused land in non urban areas ment to grow healthy foods for us. Since there will be tons left over and we don't want the food to go to waste we will allow other countries to buy our leftovers since we grew too much in the first place and export them out which would generate more revenue coming into the united states.

Jobs: That has been a huge issue for us here in the united states and across the world not to mention the everyday cost of living. So I would create new jobs and high paying jobs by giving big companies tax breaks. Yes they are people here in the united states and deserve tax breaks just like you and me. So here's what will happen instead of companies hiring all these 8 to $10 an hour jobs and only working 7 hours a week. Saying they are creating jobs and helping give me a break. If they want tax breaks and work their way up to paying zero taxes since big companies want to pay zero taxes. If your company has over 1500 people worldwide including independent contractors since the company could afford independent contractors then they can afford employees. Then they must have at least 85 percent of their staff making $30,000 a year or more in this united states 85 percent does not include forge ion countries. This would be more affordable because with awesome tax breaks and the universal health care system in place big companies would no longer be shelling out money for health insurance benefits. This would also cut spending by the government because we would be spending less money in section 8 and food stamps and programs like that since there are now decent paying jobs. This would also help a business expand by getting more business as we spend money companies make money where they have to expand and get bigger as there's more money flowing in the market the business would be able to expand and make more money. Now companies may say we will go else where. I say bye don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. The american consumer is number 1 in the world you need us. So to ensure that you keep jobs here you will be taxed heavily for anything coming into this country if you bring a piece of paper over here then you will be taxed. If that company decided to pull out. While imposing reasonable rate caps on goods and services to ensure you don't gauge the customer. Oh yeah and your business tax is going to be based on worldwide company earnings and if you have say an office the size of a studio apartment here in the united states because you moved more jobs overseas you will still be taxed. That tax money would go to unemployment and government benefits since they are unable to get a job because you moved everything overseas.

Marijuana: I would legalize weed and tax weed along with regulating it to 21 and up. Its no different than cigarettes if not safer. Plus you can use weed for medical reasons. For this case I would use the tax for the weed to subsidize weed to low income people that need it for medical purposes. Weed would be allowed to be grown at home but only if they pay a yearly tax on doing so to contribute to low income people being able to get weed for medical reasons. Failure to do so would be tax evasion with very stiff pent lites. This would not also bring in a revenue but it would cut our government spending by less people being in jail for just weed. Since currently most of our spending is just for convictions over weed.

Wall Street: currently the bankers and stock brokers are taking advantage of the american people and the US government since cities and towns right here in america went to big banks for sub prime loans on stuff like road repair and basic needs. Then just like when the interest went up on everybody's homes So did the interest go up on the loans for american cities basic needs and now cities can't afford a police department now. I would impose strong regulation on banks to make sure this doesn't happen again and loans banks give to the government for basic city/county needs will have interest capped at 2 percent.
Banks borrowed a lot of money from us without any intention to pay us back. If we took out a loan and couldn't pay the banks would of taken over our shit. Therefore every bank that borrowed money from us has 6 months to pay us back failure to pay us back would result in well us calling your bank the real bank of america because we will take over your shit like you did us with our houses putting us on our asses. The money received from the banks goes directly towards our national debt payment.

Social Security: we all need to retire at one point and by the time our kids are older including the young adults there won't be social security. So we will pay it back from the taxes we are getting from the wealthy and big companies while still being able to maintain basic functions of the united states. Also currently the wealthy doesn't pay social security after they make so much money but yet when they retire they collect that shit. So the wealthy will have to pay the social security tax just like everyone else with no tax freezes on the social security tax.

Oil/Energy: We will invest money in renewable energy and give tax breaks for an oil free company or person.

Gay Marriage: Here in america everyone has the right to love a person it doesn't matter if your gay bi straight or transgendered or lesbian. Therefore I would make gay marriage legal. Now everyone also has the right to their beliefs so if your a church or pastor then you don't have to merry a couple its your right to say no. But if your church does any type of social services then your church will help a gay family just like you would a straight family.

Religion: Everyone has the right to worship on what they be leave in that's a part of being spiritual. So the government won't inter fear with your right to worship or impose or pass laws on any religions point of view and it will be neutral at all times.

Abortion: Even though my personal choice would be never to have someone get or want an abortion the fact is its going to be around regardless if its banned or not and if its banned its going to be on the black market causing women to die. So abortions will always be a choice BUT it will be heavily regulated to insure abortions are done safely and the women must be aware of all of her options besides abortions in a neutral way so that way the women can make an educated choice on if she's going to have one or not based on her beliefs and morals.

Transparency: as a tax payer you have a right to know everything after all its your money So if you or your business wants to know anything about where your money is going you will have the right to do so once you prove your a tax payer. Even if you pay 1 penny a year in taxes just prove that and your fine since its any tax payer.

Lobbyist: K ST here in Washington DC is filled with nothing but lobbyist. What do they do they are paid by big companies to influence politicians by bribes payments and black mail to get what they want. Therefore lobbying would be banned and the only influence they politicians are allowed to receive is from the people that is bribe and black mail free.

Protesting: I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech and freedom to protest. Therefore anyone has the right to protest on anything peacefully and also in a way where it doesn't harm other people mentally or physically such as protesting at a soldiers funeral and putting their friends and family through that mental torment.

Global Warming/Enviormental issues: we will put tough regulations on companies on how they operate enviomentally to reduce the green house gases and the effects of global warming.

Abuse of Power: No public servant should abuse their power at anytime for anything. Any abuse of power would result in corrective action no questions asked

Now these are some of just many things I'd defently work on if I was president of course there's a million and one more subjects and issues that need to be addressed But these are just the basics that I think would make this great country a better place for everyone all over the world. Now I know I won't be president but just thinking about it let's me be creative about how to make the world around us better. My plan isn't perfect and maybe you don't agree with it. That's cool I can respect that but most of all maybe anyone reading this today no matter where you are would at least start to think of your ideas for your country to make it a better place and all of us can come together with our elected officials and do something to make a change for our world and children's world

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