Saturday, June 4, 2011


So the other day I ended up overdosing on my well-known its an antidepressant. Not on purpose of course it was a mistake. I woke up when Wendy William's was on grabbed my cup of coffee and took my 3 pills that's 450 mg (the most a body can have) Then about 3 hours later I took 3 more pills totaling 900 mg total in my body totally not good. At that does you can have seizures and die. So I can see why the people at the hospital thought I wanted to kill myself. But that wasn't the case it was a mistake. So I called my doctor no answer. So I called harris teeter where I get my meds and they told me that wasn't good and to get my ass to the hospital. So of course I went scared shitless. After at that point knowing what that dose could do to me the whole way there I'm going please let me make it to the hospital since I caught this early. Well I was also thinking was that also the last time I was going to talk to kevin being alert since another effect is coma. What about my loved ones. I guess the normal shit when they were told the meds that what they put in their body was a lethal dose. So I was scared shitless. I made it to the hospital in a matter of mins I was already in the back on a bed in the room I didn't even get a chance to get my ass up on the bed before they start taking my blood then they do an EKG to measure my heart and did the whole blood pressure thing and they left. I'm still thinking the worst so I did what makes me feel better fuck around on facebook I figured if the worst happens I'm going down being a dumbass. Well then one person right after another came into ask me if I wanted to kill myself so I explained the story and about the 5 th bitch that goes in and asks me the same question said I've never heard of people making a mistake with taking meds before are you sure you didn't want to kill yourself. At that point she pissed me off I was thinking bitch ill want to kill you if you don't fucking leave me the fuck alone. But I decided to stay cool because I didn't want to get locked up with the crazy people in the mental ward. So she left and someone else comes in saying they wanted to admit me because I took a high dose and they wanted to make sure I was going to be alright. I'm like I really don't want to made a few phone calls and I told the nurse if you feel you need to admit me feel free to. I'm thinking please I don't want to be admitted I don't even like this hospital. But suddenly the nurse came back and said I can go home I'm like what the fuck. She said the shit hasn't hit my bloodstream fully. So if I go home take a few pills and rest and do nothing for 24 hours I'd be fine but they was wrong. Right at the 24 hour mark I started throwing up and feeling it all So then I find out the effects can start 32 to 48 hours after you overdose. I'm like fuck I've taken all my meds the ER doctors gave me. So I've been herbally treating myself and you know I feel a lot better. Of course I still can't be active till sunday night I tried the whole going to the store thing this afternoon and I thought I was going to fucking die. So I guess my weekend could be better but I didn't go into seizures and die. So I guess that's a plus. Now I just have to make through the next 24 hours of being sick and ill be alright. One thing I did learn is that with my brain injury I need to take things a little more slower than I use to including meds since I had everything done right I guess. I will say if any of you overdose on anything be sure to also research yourself after you see your doctor because my docs were dead wrong on this one

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