Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Role Models

Its funny when you see role models or hear the word role models a lot of people come to mind. Even more so growing up as a kid. Role Models come and go but the funny thing is I had people I looked up to but at the same time didn't take the knowledge I gained from them and applied it as a kid. Then down the line some of them did crazy shit that would make someone not to think of that person as a role model. Today's society especially in the United States puts unwritten strict rules on role models and when they fuck up everyone is done with them and they don't look at the positive side and what they brought to the world. Which is fucked up for me. Because we are all human and make mistakes. But it seems when it comes to kids we don't want to teach them that. If we see our kids role model do some crazy bullshit we write them off. But what if the good in that person effected our child in a good way and our child learned a lesson from the mistake our role models made. I mean role models don't have to be perfect to look up to them they can fuck up and we can go see this is what I don't want to be. Or this person was so bad they got locked up they robbed a store and stole a car and dropped out of school so they are bad people. But we didn't look at the inside of that person and go wait this person did this but he's now a successful lawyer now with a family. I guess that's why I never really had a role model because I never understood any of that. I know I'm no role model and I don't ever think ill be one if I am great but if I'm not its expected that I'm not a good influence and let's face it for the most part I'm not the best influence or have the best morals in life that would be up to the standards of society. But I do have the life experiences to share to the world. So other people don't make the same mistakes as I did. Or the life experiences to make it through something that maybe your going through now. Because to me that's a true role model not those fake ones that get built up with all the hype just to find out he or she made a mistake and its all taken away from them. So if I ever do have a child I think I'm going to show him or her a different thing about role models because looks can always be deceiving and I've learned the people that you think are role models aren't but the people you don't think are role models and until we get that understanding in life there will be a lot of people with a misunderstanding about life that could cause them not to move forward. I've seen that happen. So my take is don't have any role models you be your own role model and if you have one great its always good to have someone to look up to but just don't look up to that person too much because after all we all are human and make mistakes. So if a role model makes a mistake that's normal but a true role model will admit their mistakes and move forward instead of hiding their mistakes just to keep that title.

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